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Looking for Live Source?
We’ve got exciting news.


To better serve our audiences, our funders and our artists, we have completely transformed. NEW MUSIC THEATRE PROJECT is the product of years of listening to you.

In 2020, when the world and sector was in turmoil, our previous leadership resigned. The company’s Artist in Residence Chris Dieman was appointed Artistic Director, and immediately sought to make serious structural changes. By listening to you, we crystalized our focus. When faced with the existential difficulties of creating theatre amidst closures and social isolation, Dieman and our artists found themselves revisiting the roots of their work and tapping back into the essence of the art-forms. Where larger-scale, design-focused work wasn’t possible, more intimate, content-driven chamber pieces could thrive. And by commissioning pieces of new music and theatre, the emphasis was placed back to where it should always be: on the creation of work, not just the presentation of it. We continue to work with our previous design partners on new work, and value their contributions immensely. Their voices are as important as ever in carrying out the new mission.

Welcome to the new us. Take a look around! We are so excited to welcome you back.